Helen Intania Surayda


Legal protection for the interests of sexual violence victims either through
the judicial process or by means of social care, is part of the legal policy. The
legislation that becomes the reference for handling the sexual violence cases
makes it difficult for women to access justice. The elasticity of Islamic law is
highly adaptable to the dynamics of social change and the advance of the world.
Multidimensional nature within the scope of Islamic law covers all aspects of
human life. The purpose of the establishment of Islamic law is to realize the
benefit for mankind. Just as the recovery of sexual violence victims is related to
the victim's invidual benefit.
The problems in this thesis are: a) how legal protection for sexual violence
victims seen from positive law, b) how the legal protection for sexual violence
victims in the concept of Islamic law study. To answer the problems, research
with juridical normative approach method with specification of analytical
descriptive research is conducted. The type of data used in this research is
secondary data. Based on the conducted research, it is found that protection for sexual  violence victims have not been optimally facilitated by the state. The recovery of  the violence victims must be broadly understood, not only in medical, legal or  psycho-social interventions but also in the creation of situations in which the  victims of violence can be fully empowered, so they are able to take decisions in  their lives and are able to resume their roles in society as women and citizens.
The law is always positive law, and the legal positivism lies on the fact that the
law is created and abolished by human actions, so apart from the morality and
the norm systems themselves. The aspects of maslahah mursalah if applied to the  legal protection for the victims of violence do not use normative approach as the  case in general but the one which is used is the rights of the victims to take
precedence in its handling.



Legal Protection, Victims of Violence, Islamic Law

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